Brazil Tin-Gold Placer Local Operation by artisanal miners

  • Most gold & tin are fine-grained

  • Trommel can screen out most coarse sand (95%), remains most of the fine sand

  • 12000 m³ per day with 30% sediment & 70% water --> 180t of fine sand /day

  • Trommel  Spirals  25t to 50t concentrates (+50% Sn, +50 g/t Au)

  • At least USD300,000 value per container (25-27t), producing 20 containers per month per mining unit


    - That is USD6M/month per mining unit!!!

    - Assuming at least USD1M profit per unit per month (USD2.5M CAPEX per unit)

  • Can have 8 mining units in the project

  • 20M CAPEX  96M + Profit/ year